

  • 2022-11-12
  • 325人已读
【导语】The Perkiomen School 伯科曼中学,可能有些小伙伴没怎么听过这所学校,小编仔细扒了一下,发现Perkiomen还...

The Perkiomen School 伯科曼中学,可能有些小伙伴没怎么听过这所学校,小编仔细扒了一下,发现Perkiomen还是有很多过人之处的。


位于宾夕法尼亚州彭斯堡的The Perkiomen School 伯科曼中学始建于1875年,校园占地面积172英亩,周边环境足以用优雅静谧来形容。学校地理位置虽然偏僻了些,但Perkiomen安保措施做得不错,学生还是比较安全的,家长们可以放心。


Perkiomen是一所男女合校的中学,招收6-12年级的寄宿学生。要知道,想申请7、8年级,可选择的美国寄宿中学很少,对于女孩子来说,更是少的可怜。所以,如果想早早去美国接受教育,宾州排名第三的The Perkiomen School 伯科曼中学会是一个不错的选择。


伯科曼中学配备的硬件设施很不错,iPads 1对1教室,计算机实验室,图书馆,体育馆,泳池...实验室里还配备了3D打印机和雷射切割机,今年年初的时候,学校又引进了VR(虚拟现实)眼罩。

The Perkiomen School 的AP(大学先修)课程开设了30多门,选择性比较高,AP课程包括艺术史、微积分AB和BC,生物、化学、物理、英语文学与写作、法语文学、(宏观)经济学、(微观)经济学等,课程列表如下 ▼

Perkiomen还是TABS寄宿学校协会,以及SSATB美国中学入学考试委员会成员之一。他家毕业生升读的美国名校也有很多,比如California Institute of Technology加州理工学院,Northeastern University美国东北大学,Cornell University康奈尔大学,Boston College波士顿学院,Boston University波士顿大学,New York University纽约大学等等,部分学生还获得了共价值500万美金的优秀奖学金。当然,这要看个人能力。

Academy of Art University, Albright College*, Alvernia University, American University*, Arcadia University, Arizona State University, Averett University, Babson College, Baruch College of the CUNY, Bates College, Beloit College*, Bentley University*, Berklee College of Music*, Binghamton University, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bluefield State College, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University*, Bridgewater State University, Brooks Institute of Photography, Bucks County Community College, Cabrini University*, California College of the Arts (San Francisco), California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western Reserve University, Catholic University of America, Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Champlain College, Clarkson University, Colgate University, College of Charleston, College of the Holy Cross, College of William and Mary, Concordia University (Montreal), Connecticut College, Cornell University, DePaul University, Dickinson College, Drew University*, Drexel University*, East Carolina University, Eastern Michigan University, Eastern University, Elon University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach), Emory University, Fairleigh Dickinson University - Florham Campus*, Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus*, Florida Atlantic University, Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus, Franklin and Marshall College, Georgetown University, George Washington University, Gettysburg College*, Gordon College, Goucher College, Grambling State University, Hiram College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Illinois Wesleyan University*, Indiana State University, Indiana University at Bloomington, Iona College, Ithaca College*, Jacksonville University, Johns Hopkins University, Johnson & Wales University (Providence), Kean University, Kendall College, Kenyon College*, Knox College, La Salle University, Lafayette College, Lehigh Carbon Community College, Lehigh University*, LIM College (Laboratory Institute of Merchandising), Long Island University, Post, Loyola University Maryland*, Lynn University, Manhattan College, Manhattanville College*, Marist College, Marymount California University, Marywood University*, Massachusetts College of Art and Design*, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, McDaniel College, McGill University*, MCPHS - Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Miami International University of Art & Design, Miami University, Oxford*, Michigan State University, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Misericordia University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Mitchell College, Monroe College, Moravian College*, Muhlenberg College, New York University*, North Carolina State University, Northampton Community College*, Northeastern University*, Oberlin College, Ohio Northern University, Ohio University, Pace University, New York City*, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona, Pennsylvania State University, Berks College, Pennsylvania State University, Erie: The Behrend College*, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg*, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania State University, York, Pepperdine University, Philadelphia University, Pratt Institute*, Purdue University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rice University, Rider University, Robert Morris University, Rochester Institute of Technology*, Rollins College, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Rowan University, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Saint Joseph's University, Salve Regina University*, Sarah Lawrence College, Savannah College of Art and Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, School of Visual Arts, Sewanee: The University of the South, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania*, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Smith College, Southern Methodist University, St. John's University - Queens Campus, St. Thomas Aquinas College, State University of New York at Albany, Stony Brook University, Suffolk University, Susquehanna University, Syracuse University*, Temple University*, The New School - All Divisions, Union College, The University of Arizona*, The University of the Arts, University at Buffalo The State University of New York, University of British Columbia, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Irvine, University of California, Riverside, University of California, San Diego*, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Connecticut, University of Delaware, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Miami, University of Michigan, University of Michigan, Dearborn, University of Missouri St. Louis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, University of Oregon, University of Pittsburgh, University of Richmond, University of Rochester, University of Southern California, University of St. Thomas, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga*, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Trinity College*, Ursinus College*, Valley Forge Military College, Vassar College, Villanova University, Virginia Tech, Wagner College*, Wake Forest University, Washington and Jefferson College, Washington College, Washington State University, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Widener University, Wilkes University, Williams College, Wilson College*, Winthrop University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

关于The Perkiomen School 伯科曼学校,想了解更多?今年8月,伯科曼学校校长、招办主任,招生官,大学发展部主任飞来中国对学生进行面试,并且应学美特殊邀请,届时校方还会专门来学美做一个学校简介和招生说明,想要参加面试,并进一步了解伯科曼学校的小伙伴们,看这里 ▼

The Perkiomen School 伯科曼学校面试安排

时间:2017年8月17日 9:00-10:30am


时间:2017年8月18日 13:00-14:30pm


如果有想要申请The Perkiomen School 伯科曼中学的小伙伴们,这里科普下他家的申请材料 ▼






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